
05 march 2022

Sometimes I worry there's something going wrong with my vision. I frequently experience visual static (especially when dark), which is not that uncommon, but I also have a lot of floaters and sometimes, only sometimes, I very clearly see tiny glowing specks moving about in my field of vision. These are white blood cells, and this is called the "blue field entopic phenomenon". I was happy to find out it was a normal thing, however, most people only ever see it when looking at the blue sky or at bright surfaces. The same is the case for me, but occasionally they become VERY prevalent, only for like 10 seconds, then they fade again. What could cause this?

What made my worry surface recently was something I experienced yesterday. I was out drinking beer with a couple of friends. On each table there was this fake candle thing with a yellow glow. Every time I blinked and moved my head, if one of these candles were in the periphery of my vision, I would see these trails from the light. The trails had a kind of chromatic aberration effect, like I saw the red and the green light slightly offset from each other.

These feels like odd problems to talk to a optician about. But I probably should.