
10 april 2022

Haven't recorded any feels in a couple of days. Doing alright. Want to do more, as always. Feeling a bit stressed even when I shoudln't. The usual stuff.

Installed windows on my new PC build. Not happy about being trapped in the microsoft prison once again, but unfortunately, certain software isn't supported on linux (yet). Considered mac, since having something closer to linux would have felt better, but I wanted to build the thing myself. Went surprisingly well, although I got some help from a couple of friends. The CPU fan didn't fit perfectly for some reason. It should be compatible. We managed to force it into position, though. Think it will work.

At first, two case fans didn't work. Found the issue though. Then, the windows installation refused to cooperate. "Window's cannot install the required files". Tried installing from a separate USB, and it worked.

Now, for some reason windows can't find the faster of my two wifi connections. No idea what the issue is there. Ethernet is not an option at the moment since the only ethernet outlet is in the bedroom... Need to run some cables the roof or something to get it to where my desktop is located. A future project.