
12 april 2022

Got a fever the other day. Still not well. Not too bad, but enough for me to call in sick, even though I probably would have the energy to work, at least at the moment. But I defnitely wouldn't have gone to work if I had to be on site. And in that case, I don't feel bad for not working. I'm resting (or pretending to).

The fever is always the worst during the night. The last two nights I've had trouble sleeping due to a bad case of fever brain. Sometimes consciousness scares me. I know this is normal, that this is not really that strange, but I end up in such weird mind spaces that I can't really control when I try to sleep, while being sick. It's like my brain tries to solve some abstract, unsolvable problem all the time, and I can neither stop it from thinking about this, or help find a solution. Often these "problems" are connected to something I did during the day. Last night it had to do with Neon Genesis Evangelion, that my partner and I watched before bed.

The mind is strange.