
16 april 2022

Might have corona. Around two weeks ago, my girlfriend was sick. A fever one night, then cold symptoms, and then, later, when she started to feel better, a dry cough that stuck around for a couple of days. Now I've experienced the exact same course of disease: I got a fever which disappeared after a day or two, then cold symptoms, and now I feel almost well, except for a dry cough. The strange thing is that it went almost two weeks between she getting symptoms and I becoming sick. Guess the incubation period can be that long, but still. Also: she took a covid home test, which was negative. I haven't tested myself. I feel like it doesn't matter. In Sweden, the rules are the same regardless if you are sick with covid or not: stay home until you have no symptoms (for at least a day). Other people in the household does not have to stay home as well, as long as they do not have any symptoms.

Been listening a lot to Timber Timbre lately. I think Western Questions is a beautiful and eerie song, and I love it a lot, but listening to the lyrics just seem like a, although colorful and poetic, anti-capitalist word sallad. That classic non-criticism: words and sentences pointing fingers at things with the undertone of "this is bad", but without actually saying anything of substance. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to wake up to a post-capitalist world some day, and I do love that song. Regardless of Timber Timbre's thoughts or intentions, I think it's brilliant. The pictures it evokes are powerful and strange, and at the same time I could to it as a parody of similar art -- art that even more shallowly points it finger at "bad thing" without suggesting alternatives or solutions. But I don't really care if Timber Timbre wrote this song with an ironic smile or not.