
30 april 2022

Making progress on my new site. The idea is to make something that allows for any kind of posts, experiments, images, artworks, whatever. Everything is a node. Nodes can be connected using links and tags. By default, nodes will probably be ordered chronologically (time of creation), but navigation will be non-linear. I like the idea of encouraging exploratory, playful navigation. Instead of going exactly where you want to go (and, well, there likely will not be any specific places my few visitors will want to find), navigation should occur by follow links within nodes, and using the node metadata. Instead of categorizing nodes as "blog posts" or "3D experiments" or "notes", I can just add tags. There's no primary tag, just tags. A node can have multiple. This does not lock the site into specific categories. It becomes more of my personal (but public) notebook. I like that idea. I like it very much.