
05 may 2021

Been AGES since I've posted anything here on the tilde! Lifes been crazy. I thought I'd jump back on mainly because I've wanted to blog.

I couldnt figure out which blogging platform to use and I was planning on writing my own system but then I remembered about the feels engine! Its perfect for what I want out of a platform.

Hoping to redo my site styles and content this afternoon before jumping on a facetime call with my parents. I realised its been forever since I talked with them. Recurring theme with me... Time feels like its going so slow untill BOOM everything happened ages ago. Crazy that.

I've been doing this thing with my friends called gratitude journaling but I like to call it a PMA list lol. We just write down all the good things that have happened that day and send them to the chat. I wanted to write mine somewhere more permanent, So heres mine for today:

Its not much and sometimes its hard to come up with things but I find its a good habbit to keep myself sane. Been kinda out of it for the last while. Thinking I might talk to someone bout it. We'll see.

Anyways, I'm off to update my sites stylesheet. Till next time.