pinky's little blog

10 february 2022

It's been a bit again. I haven't been writing much in my personal journal either. I don't really know why, I don't have a reason per se. Maybe it's because I feel like my life is fundamentally uneventful. I find myself without a lot that I want to say, publicly or privately. I'm always tired. I suppose that's what life is now.

I'm taking another art class this semester: figure drawing. I've never had a formal figure drawing class before, although I have participated in informal figure drawing sessions in the past. I didn't know where or how to find one of the non-instructional sessions, although on our first day of class the teacher told us about a regular session that a local gallery puts on. Good to know! I can already see the benefits of an actual class, though. Learning to do a proper gesture drawing with different techniques feels huge. And that's just the start of it.