Rick Cogley Live - Welcome


Thanks for Visiting! This is “Rick Cogley Live”, my blog with short and more frequent posts about my interests.

I decided to blog this way and post links to my content, instead of supplying my content to social networks. Controlling your own content is inherently better than relinquishing control.

~Rick Cogley

SCV on a Roll

Thursday, 20 Apr, 2017

I was thrilled to see that my favorite corps Santa Clara Vanguard has picked up Michael Gaines as their “Creative Director”.

Let's Encrypt!

Wednesday, 19 Apr, 2017

I make an effort to encrypt where I can, and in my opinion, you should, too.

TMSIDK is a Fake News Antidote #TryPod

Tuesday, 18 Apr, 2017

The new-ish podcast “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know” (TMSIDK) from Stephen Dubner, strikes me as a kind of antidote to “fake news” so common these days.

On Gender Targeting in Umbrellas

Tuesday, 18 Apr, 2017

As I walked in the rain to take the trash out this morning, I used my wife or daughter’s umbrella, and was marvelling at how pretty the light is, when you’re inside it.

A Great Musical Intellect Lost

Monday, 17 Apr, 2017

So sad: virtuoso guitarist Allan Holdsworth unexpectedly died at 70 on 16th April 2017, and I wager he’s in heaven jamming with Coltrane, maybe having a nice brew after, with a perfect head.

Alfons Mucha and Other Beauty in Tokyo

Sunday, 16 Apr, 2017

My wife told me there’s a (Czech artist) Mucha exhibition in Tokyo. We’re fortunate to have such easy access to art.

Won't Happen in Japan

Friday, 14 Apr, 2017

JAL and ANA weigh in on the United “Fuselage Fight Club” saga.

Trouble Comes for Free

Thursday, 13 Apr, 2017

I always say that trouble comes for free in your life, so don’t create more of it yourself.

United Trumps Trump and Mao-chan Retires

Wednesday, 12 Apr, 2017

The United débâcle trumped even Trump, in the 24 hour news cycle. And, Mao-chan retires.

United: Obey or be Reaccommodated

Tuesday, 11 Apr, 2017

By now you’ve probably heard about the awful treatment by United Airlines of a man who refused to give up his seat. It was frankly brutal.