
30 june 2021

% 30/6/21 5:20pm

well i have not been in town in a while thanks finals thats finally done and i am pretty sure i did pretty badly

besides that, is 2 school organized bus trips. the first was tuesday and that was an agricultural trip thing the next one is on friday, which is not a boring agricultural trip but i dont know what itll entail

as for my projects, hilbish is basically dead currently not that i wont maintain anymore, just that there isnt much to do with it currently. i gotta finish the line editor so that i can ditch readline. which has some problems, being its a cgo binding, building on windows is iffy and it also segfaults when started while the terminal is resized (??)

ive started on a new project, called econode (https://github.com/TorchedSammy/Econode) see that link for info about it (and star pls) i have a view of how i want it to turn out, and also making it a server-based multiplayer kinda game made it so people can make different clients and frontends for the econode server. which i think is pretty nifty.