
27 december 2017

Happy Holidays


Shields up

I found a few wall(1) messages waiting for me after having been afk over Christmas weekend.

Broadcast message from ****@tilde.town (pts/152) (Sat Dec 23 23:19:09 2017):

Type touch /home/****/.centralfeels (without quotes) to get a private key that corresponds to 5 USD of BTC!

Broadcast message from ****@tilde.town (pts/152) (Sat Dec 23 23:20:16 2017):

Oops, type  to get 5 USD of BTC!

Broadcast message from ****@tilde.town (pts/152) (Sat Dec 23 23:20:27 2017):

Oops, type <tilde>/.centralfeels to get 5 USD of BTC!

Broadcast message from ****@tilde.town (pts/152) (Sat Dec 23 23:21:01 2017):

Type Ctrl+L to clear these messages.

Hah. I presumed this was some kid attempting to tell folks to "hold down alt and type FAXMACHINE" or something along those lines.

So, with the spirit of Christmas still warm in my belly, I set out to end this user, and protect the townies!

False alarm

What is .centralfeels? That was my most viable clue. Well, only one hit came up on DDG.


So, the user sending those walls doesn't need to be "ended". :) And now I know about ttbp.

Warm feelies

So, hello, ~login! Nice to meet you, via a circuitous of route!

0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:500px-Xmas_tree_animated.gif
