
14 june 2024

I added a bit to my code, after posting today, to automatically add those two line breaks that give my blog posts a nice lower margin, I really should figure out how to do that with CSS, but if it stupid and it works it's not stupid.

11 june 2024

haha I see my CSS formatting applied to all anchor tags lol. I'll probably leave it because I'm lazy

I love ASCII artworks theyre so silly and scrunkly

10 june 2024

didnt make a main blog post yesterday, just slightly too much effort lol

09 june 2024

hopefully by waiting a day the dates are fixed lol. ok not "fixed" but the problems stopped there, lucky me. continuing as normal :)

08 june 2024

A little tired, but not bad. I should eat some cheese and crackers later... Oh, that reminds me, I think I'm having pizza for dinner, unhealthy but tasty :3

about to stream art on twitch, a bit nervous since I usually stream fighting games or similarly fast stuff but it'll be fine, I'm sure

I think I might've accidentally made the dates strange on these feels, dunno. To clarify, this is the first one of June 8th, there were two yesterday, and one the day before.

07 june 2024

Real excited right now! Loving tilde.town, about to do a live stream.