
author: slimelia   date:

i keep debating whether or not to add comments to this blog!!

problem is that slimeblogger, and my presence on generally, was focused on minimalism and simplicity. that's why there's no categories, no tags and no pagination. i wanted my blog to be able to exist as a single page. it's the philosophy of a lot of members of the town, and one i'm keen to stick to! i decided long ago that comments were simply outside the scope of this blog & slimeblogger.

BUT! this place is now my eggbug-away-from-eggbug; this is where i'm posting more now that cohost is gone and its community has moved to RSS feeds and blogs. and one thing cohost taught me to love is the comments section. i have left comments on many blog posts that appear in my RSS reader's feed, and sometimes i want to enable that level of interaction to my blog as well. honestly, sometimes it's just nice to know people have read your writings, your thoughts put to paper, and acknowledge that you exist LOL

idk. it's more work, i'd need to find a suitable comment platform, and i can't decide if it works with the design principles i have imposed upon myself and my own blog. not adding them for now, but watch this space...?

maybe i'll add a means to comment on blog posts that is SEPARATE from my blog itself - comments and comment threads could exist, but not clutter the blog and exist on their own Comment Site. another design principle i am extremely keen to stick to is that this blog will function with NO javascript (pop open your browser dev tools - there's no javascript here at all!). it seems like any means of delivering comments embedded into the page WILL require javascript, especially when i can't do any server-side scripting here on the town (and nor would i want to use their resources like that!)

actually i suppose i could use iframes but fuck that those are ugly and annoying LOL

what do you think, reader? oh wait shit you can't comment uhhhhhhhhh send an email to for now i guess. ive set that up as a dedicated mailbox for this blog only (actually its just a forwarder but whatever). maybe i should just do that instead of commenting: bring back email. love an email, me