Tim's blog

15 October 2018

So I've claimed a bit of land and built a wee house. Actually, it's more than a bit―it's an entire two-hundred and eighty-eight bytes on the outskirts of town. Built from reclaimed ones and zeroes straight from the garbage collector, and totally off-grid and sustainable. Sustainable aside from the ravenous duck. I think I will have to name him Raven. Raven McRavenous the Duck. Eater of Worlds.

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A couple of days ago I realized that my sick and twisted experiments with the feels engine had caused two of my posts to stay near the top of the town feels list longer than they had any right to be there. As soon as I noticed, I used touch to correct the timestamps. I apologise if I annoyed anyone.

I want to say a big thank you to ~endorphant, not just for the feels engine, but also for putting together an excellent set of Community Crisis Response Guidelines. Because it's really hard to know what to do sometimes.

On that topic, I'm sending positive thoughts to anyone reading this who's not doing okay...

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