Tim's blog

29 December 2018

Hullo, town!

I hope you're okay :)

I've spent the past couple of days and nights doing my very best to sleep through the flu. Feeling a lot better today. Still a bit hot and fuzzy, but it's nice to be able to sort-of-think again.

I have had other adventures. Twelve days ago I had my left little finger broken by a silly policeman during a protest. I don't collect baseball cards, soap, or erasers, but I do seem to attract silly policemen―so I've started an undeserved injury collection entitled On the dangers of… doing nothing.

As for why I'm protesting…

Here are some numbers I looked up a few days ago:

Around 80% of plant species (incl. ~75% of our main food crops) are pollinated by insects and other animals.

There's been a ~75% decline in insect numbers over the past 30 years, and a 60% decline in average vertebrate population sizes over the past 50 years.

If you look at the total biomass of mammals, 96% is humans plus livestock; mammals in the wild now represent only 4%.

It's mostly down to habitat loss―and climate change is going to exacerbate that.

Shouldn't this be top-front news in mainstream media?

(By the way, this is a depressing topic. The best way I've found to deal with that is to get involved with local environmental groups―doing things with other people really helps.)


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