
11 december 2018

I had a dream, and it was a weird one. First the elevator was going up fine, but then it started free-falling for what felt like an eternity. Then it stopped suddenly, and wouldn't move after that. So, I got out of the cabin via the ceiling and saw one of those serviceman's ladders affixed to the wall. I started climbing it, and eventually after another eternity of being afraid I might fall, I found a little platform with a door. The symbol above the door was a regular exit sign (with the little green guy and the arrow), so I entered. For some amusing reason, there was some chill music playing, and the place was a fully decked out little hideout. It had a bathroom, a laptop on a table (which I didn't think to turn on because computers never work in dreams), a fridge and some other kitchen utilities, and a sofa and bed. There was a note on the table next to the laptop, that read "This is for You, the People Who Can't Climb Up The Easy Way. You are the ones that keep things going. Sincerely, the Universe" This is when I woke up laughing, and couldn't really fall back into that dream again. Ah well, I hope we meet again, chillax room.