
13 december 2020

Today, I believe, was another good day. There's not much of note, but the very fact that nothing bad happened should be appreciated.

I think I'll keep investing in good shampoo, firstly because my hair's falling out, and secondly because it makes my pillow smell divine. As silly and embarrassing as it is, I find myself sometimes sniffing it. Heh. That being said, I think that if I weren't me, I'd date myself. Like, if I was presented with a clone of myself, I would definitely date myself; also, since that's true, I'd want to date me as well. So, everything works out. It's quite funny how my self-confidence is quite low, while my self-esteem is quite high. Since that's so, funnily enough, I have really low standards if I go for myself, since I'm in the "desperate" category, and vice versa. Gee, thinking about dating yourself is weird...

I think if I was able to channel my self-appreciation into self-love by voicing it, I wouldn't feel half as bad, or feel bad half as often. Maybe that's an avenue worth exploring.