
19 january 2025

Yesterday I went to a Master Boot Record concert with my friends :D unfortunately, my friends didn't vibe with it, so we left early. But I don't care; I had fun while it lasted. It would've admittedly been nicer if the crowd wasn't standing perfectly still. We tried to get the energy going, but 4 people out of 40 wasn't really likely to start much. Kudos to the others who did the same. Still, again, I had fun.

Today I am going to do my Communication Systems homework. It's a class taught by David Kazdan, the faculty advisor of the university amateur radio club. He's a really nice guy, and really smart. Easy to talk to, too. His co-instructor is a PhD who recently graduated, also involved in tons of radio research. So, I'm really looking forward to how that class pans out.

I miss my girlfriend. I jokingly said I'd go visit this MLK weekend, but if I were to visit, I'd have missed a hangout with my friends, going to a concert with a different group of friends, and probably also missed out on homework. Not to mention the 3 hour bus trip there and back, and the $70 bus fare. So, all's well -- I'll go visit another day.