Resolutions vs Themes vs Bingo Cards

After years of making new years resolutions that fell by the wayside by the end of March, I moved to making themes for the year, a concept that I believe I got from the YouTuber CGPGrey. These are things like "fitness" or "mindfulness", where instead of setting a specific goal, you chose to focus your behaviours on throughout the year. A theme allows one to change what the desired outcome or path is as ones situation changes. These worked well for a couple of years, and I did "stick with it" for longer than I often did with resolutions, but it still did not scratch the itch that I wanted it to. I wanted to be able to look back at the end of a year and reflect on what happened and what I achieved vs what I thought I would at the beginning.

This lead my partner to the idea of creating a new years bingo card. Come up with 25 things that you think have a chance of happening in the new year, these can be good, bad, personal, realationship-focuses, things you think your friends will do, anything you want that you may want to look back on at the end of the year. Below you can find the bingo cards that I have created over the years.