Paranormal Investigation and Corporate Horror
Calling it: Game of the Year right here. I get super excited any time I find a game that supports gonzo, surreal, or dada paranormal investigation. Basically I just want to play Doom Patrol.
Found out about this on the Tabletop Book Club Podcast.
this is a fucking delight to read! absolutely beautiful layout! lots of charts and infographics. super corporate. very funny.
there is a great conceit where the rulebook is a manual for field agents, and “a roleplaying game” is some kind of psychological stress relief technique for agents. this allows the manual to refer to the in-game events as “reality” and the game itself as … not. i think you have to read it to get it. but it’s great.
the tone is highly comedic and surreal: the first example mission is an anomaly that came into existence because of a sandwich maker’s desire to keep all the ingredients inside the sandwich, and has started turning people inside out. brilliant! what kind of weird, gonzo, doom patrol bullshit is this? i love it.
agents are Resonants: anomalies that have grafted onto humans and are stabilized by the triangle agency.
uses a unique d4 dice pool mechanic where you roll 6d4 and count 3s as hits. (because triangle.) non-3s add to a Chaos Pool that can be used to fuel anomalous effects. and you can spend QA points to turn a not-3 into a 3. but if you run out of QA, you get burnout in that attribute, and must convert one 3 into a not-3, creating more Chaos. rolling exactly three 3s is a critical “Tricendence” success and you get an additional bonus. Achieving three 3s through burnout or QA is not Tricendence, but is Stability: you get no bonus, but contribute zero Chaos.
Rolls are made not to accomplish things directly—you are not superpowered, nor even especially capable—but to Alter Reality by establishing Causal Chains and applying one of your Qualities. This is a great way to avoid short circuiting to meta-gaming. e.g. “I roll for perception, what do I see?” That kind of meta-gaming doesn’t exist here. You can’t just “roll perception” as a player; you must state an intended effect, narrate a mundane and external chain of events that could have caused the stated effect, and then roll a Quality to see if it happened. This keeps you in the game, and also involves the players in setting the scene and narrating details. Brilliant!
Harm and death are handled by a clever little “Life Insurance Policy” provided by the agency.
Character creation allows just enough customization to be interesting, and uses the character ARC framework: Anomaly + Reality + Compentency
Anomaly: the egregoric archetype that has attached itself to your agent. Allows you a couple of ways to reliably alter reality
Reality: your background. something that anchors you to reality. defines your relationships, which have mechanical properties. and most interesting, each Reality has a small clock that when filled, means you must abandon this Reality for another.
Compentency: the role you play in the workplace. Provides QA and a starting requisition (special item).
There is a sort of metacurrency of Commendations and Demerits that you can collect for behaving various ways and that you can cash in for various effects.
There’s a whole work/life balance minigame where you spend Time on your career or on your relationships, gaining advantages for each at the cost of missing out on advances in the other track. Filling up your tracks can lead to promotions and other Playwalled content like uncovering the Truth about the agency.
Then the GM section! In a spectacular move, an anomaly breaks through and takes over the task of explaining anomalies and the game to you, and stuff gets very meta. Brilliant. And then in the sections behind the Playwall, Reality appears to complete the trifecta of Anomaly, Reality, Competency. This is just so well crafted.