
A Mostly Complete Diary Of All The Media I Consume That I Bother To Write Down And Then Also Post On The Internet 🍽️😋

Aldous Harding - Designer #

derkirche posted the video for The Barrel the other day, and I found it absolutely mesmerizing. Had never heard of Aldous Harding before.


Then I watched her performance / interview on KEXP, and decided that Aldous must be some kind of alien from outer space. In the best possible way.


Last week I was traveling for work and listened to Designer nonstop.


It’s so good. The Barrel and Designer are both stand out tracks. But each track is amazing.

Lyrical Ludology, Logan Timmins #

— Episidoes 1 - 4 w. Jay Dragon

Started listening to this after discovering Logan’s autobiographical tabletop game, “Logan.” Very short (~10 minute) episodes exploring the nature of Lyric Games. Logan is adorable, and the conversation is great. Do recommend. https://redcircle.com/shows/lyrical-ludology

Lowtech Radio Gazette #

— Back for 2024

will’s back for 2024! first post since the birth of his daughter. his droid is still broken, sad. this is a fun, conversational episode recorded in the car about wanting to be more offline first, about the distractability of our always-online life and smart devices. he uses a palm tungsten pda to try to combat this but still misses his droid. https://lambdacreate.com/podcast/ltrg/5

Playdate Podcast #

— Mars After Midnight

Lucas Pope releases Mars After Midnight for the Playdate. Very interesting interview about his development process and how all these different disparate pieces fit together: designing procedurally generated martian faces, designing a squiggly font, creating speech synthesis, learning a music tracker to make the music, learning lua to supplement his C programming, learning the hardware and the simulator and how the buttons and the crank work (and don’t work) together, specific techniques for 1-bit art on the sharp display (although he already has 1-bit art experience from making Obra Dinn). Interesting to hear about one can pursue so many different interests and learning opportunities in the course of making a game! https://podcast.play.date/episodes/s01e29/

Extended, Your Song Is Good #

still one of my absolute favorite albums. i’m not got going to bother looking, but i bet you a dollar that i’ve already posted it here at least once.


Wilco, Animal Collective #

There’s a new Wilco and a new Animal Collective out! Both are kind of snoozers. Sadface.

last wave - they might be giants #

i cannot stop thinking about this song. entirely on its own, it is one of the trippiest, most surreal, most bleak musical experience you can have. the constantly repeated refrain, “We die alone, we die afraid, we live in terror. We’re naked and alone, and the grave is the lonliest place” over the peppy monotonous beat is a delightfully disonant juxtaposition. BUT THEN come to find out the song was written explicitly to be played to Aerosmith and RUN DMC’s Walk This Way, and it goes to a whole nuther level. https://gamemaking.social/@SpindleyQ/109279993652923258 https://archive.org/details/LastWave_201712


This album is all over the place! I kind of love it. The opening transition of It’s Okay To Cry -> Ponyboy is out of this world. Dissonant noise, beautiful melodies, peaceful ambience.. it’s all over the map. This album title introduced me to the concept of a mondegreen. OIL OF EVERY PEARL’S UN-INSIDES = I LOVE EVERY PERSON’S INSIDES. The word mondegreen comes from mishearing a line of a poem, “They have slain the Earl o Moray and Lady Mondegreen”. The correct version is and laid him on the green. So it refers to an instance of mishearing a lyric or phrase and changing its meaning. Like Hendrix’s “excuse my while I kiss this guy”, etc. https://invidious.baczek.me/watch?v=AC8h4HnWyys

halloween edition! #

Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde “I’m gonna have a drink and walk around; I have a lot to think about!” “The moon is full and the stars are bright; The sky is a poisonous garden tonight!” https://open.spotify.com/album/0Qny7PmxUlBMrw4xdeiHaU?si=KMGp4ky4R-quedkteCY2eg

Plastic Fang, John Spencer Blues Explosion “You done your baby wrong and you know you gonna die tonight!” https://open.spotify.com/album/0moGqohhmzHI4yOwqFlZ6j?si=KJhl9CHRRsigFB0lvYuUZg

Floating Coffin, Thee Oh Sees https://open.spotify.com/album/6UpdRU3P0AAMA6MVCzsW3c?si=bB9r8ZchT5GmYP4BNbSNww

Blood Money, Tom Waits “God’s Away On Business!” https://open.spotify.com/album/34jdCKLIC2rmMyACRTKZNG?si=E3XObc2CRdSYK7ddIleZTA

Mary Rose Cook -- 10997 #

mary rose cook is a talented hacker, writer, and coder. And she also just so happens to have a hauntingly beautiful lofi album of confessional songs. https://open.spotify.com/album/2prtOWnF0VMYLjL527tvbC

Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard #

I wonder what the legacy of KG+LW will be. I wonder if they’ll be talked about in the decades to come. I think they’re underappreciated in their own time. I know music people know them and that they have a huge fan base. But if you ask somebody with only an average in popular music, they probably have never heard of them. I can’t believe they continue to churn out 2 - 5 albums every year on top of touring. i literally don’t understand how it’s possible. this is a weird psychadelic soup of elements that is probably my favorite thing of theirs since nonagon infinity, which remains my favorite https://kinggizzard.bandcamp.com/album/ice-death-planets-lungs-mushrooms-and-lava

Viagra Boys #

been jamming out to these boys lately. Sports is probably a career defining song. And the rest of it is so good. Sebastian’s Tom Waits style growling sounds good. Groovy bass lines and noise, and horns. it’s all good

labor day phish at dicks #

wow the enegry of the set 1 opening is amaze. i have got to see these guys live at least once in my life. next year. Labor Day Dicks 2022

Plushgoolash #

Chin25: Soup Tennis, by Plush Goolash. This album is very weird and strange, but also very good. some real standout moments.

listening #

tunes #

in love with all of this #

good stuff #

smog #

Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish I Were An Eagle - https://open.spotify.com/album/2jalkvKIskN3GecqZAuqam?si=z9dqfUbSTDOFpeNU6YDHig

alien sounds from the tropics #

new deerhoof! #


gaga #

azure #

Azure by Vinyl Williams

listen #

chill latin #

La Onda Chill Latin Indie

quiet dreamy #

attack and dethrone god #

Attack and Dethrone God from Attack and Dethrone God by 2DCAT

hibernation and sexopolis #

punisher #

Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers

man man woman woman #

new Man Man! dream hunting in the valley of the in-between still listening the crap out of fiona apple got on a Tori Amos kick the other night. Fell down a rabbit hole and learned that she has a strong, longstanding friendship with Neil Gaiman, and has mentioned him in a lot of songs. Listened to Silent All These Years, which is a great track, and this one line stood out to me

So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts What’s so amazing about really deep thoughts? Boy, you best pray that I bleed real soon genius.com asserts that the final line is a threatening sort of way to tell “Boy” that he best pray she get her period soon, which makes complete, total, and utter since, and which is such an obvious interpretation, and one which I never made, being a dude who didn’t grow up around girls. Given the juxtaposition of deep thoughts and being silent, and finding one’s voice, I always thought of bleed in the sense of a pouring out of emotions, a laying bare of one’s most private thoughts. As in, “writing is easy. Just sit at the typewriter and bleed.”

leverage models #

https://leveragemodels.bandcamp.com – somebody on masto said they are trying to be the new talking heads and i am here for that.

lovers party #


Sadness: Circle of Veins #


Sparks #

All of the Sparks. I’ve listened to all the albums from 2020 back to the mid 80s. Drip Drip and Hippotamous are amazing. Some of the 90s and 80s stuff is way too 80s. Looking forward to seeing what the 70s are like.

Thee Oh Sees #

Wow why did I sleep on these guys. Floating Coffin might be a new favorite album of all time.

City Sun Eater in the River of Light, by Woods #

is playing in my head nonstop City Sun Eater in the River of Light, by Woods