
Motto : Glad to be buffer

hello darkness my old friend praise the sun \o/

A member of the updated tilde.town ~ring
random ~user | next ~user | join

Who : French developer. I like security, privacy, and hate the "I have nothing to hide" sentence.

Capabilities : Launching cats above mermaids, wasting 3 hours because of a semicolon and a lot of other pathetic skills.

Blog : Also I own a french blog that you can check by clicking here.

Coffees today :

Album of the day :

Tilde.town personal stuff

~ Take a look and see if your pseudo shows up today !

~ Are you a Keybase user ? If so then ask for luck and decrypt this GPG encrypted message !

~ Random art generator based on character list (generated every minute)

~ Just stuff I put there


~ Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!