
14 march 2022

03132022-221629 | Town Blog

Howdy, Town!

I finally finished my guide on participating in The Tildeverse from an iPhone using Blink Shell. I hope it’s useful to somebody out there. If you can think of any way it could be more useful and/or have any questions for me, town mail is probably the best place to send them (extratone@tilde.town, I believe.) You can also view the guide on town if you’re the sort who’d rather never leave hehe.

Perhaps the most useful bit of the guide are the included commands required to configure WeeChat as I have:

I owe a big thanks to m455 for pretty much singlehandedly saving my day as far as making chat usable in portrait mode on The Phone. Not that I particularly care about viewership, but Writeas’ backend says the guide has already garnered nearly 100 views, which is a pretty big deal for a few hours-new post on The Psalms.

Some other interesting, town-related links I’ve found from bbj/town chat:

I also discovered ttm.sh, Town’s image-sharing service. I plan to use it instead of taking up too much space by continuing to fill up my own /images folder.