
27 may 2024

guess who's in finland now!

that would be me, mr. georgemoody. i've moved over here for educational reasons, did an entrance exam for an IB school and i'd say i did pretty alright, just a bit heavier than what i thought, it's a simple residancy permit for now but according to my mom i could acquire a citizenship if i stay here for 4/5 years, i could try to understand finnish in the meantime

oh and if you've been keeping up with me on you might've noticed my new shiny laptop (that's less shinier physically cause it's plastic), an Asus FA617NS to be precise, and boy is it good stuff, it's currently running arch with NsCDE running as the DE and i've never been happier in my goddamn life, all i need is to install steam on it and put it on a proper desk

anyways, that's been my life for these past weeks or so, hope yours is better, or at least less chaotic.