Collections of thoughts
Updated whenever, no schedule of postings here. Blogroll you say? That's a nice name for some random writings.
- Linux teaches you more than just system administration or "computer literacy" (Whatever that means). It teaches you how to be self-sufficient and proficient within whatever you have and know. Some interpret this as hard to use and "user unfriendly" but in reality, this is power. Pure, unfettered power, derived directly from knowledge. If you truly understand this, you'll change forever your life.
- Privacy and security go hand in hand. Can't have privacy due to "security concerns?" Bullshit. That means you deserve neither, ahem, Microsoft.
- The command line is the most powerful computer resource and interface you'll ever use. Why? Because it abstracts itself, allowing work to be done even in the absence of a user!
- RAM and CPU are fragile, scarce resources. Protect them and use them with caution! The less you use the more you can share.
- The more ways you have to do something, the less dependent on a specific process / token / person / method / resource you are. This can make a huge difference down the road!
- Learning is something you do best by doing rather than studying. Never broke anything? Why, that's probably because you never tried. Pile up your mistakes, learn from them, improve. Consider them your battle scars that make you a better human.
- One thing at a time with 100% of your focus is often better than 5 things with 20% focus each.
Last updated on 09/21/20