Some neat places in the tildeverse

(mostly but not all)

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  • ~acdw - love the manifesto on this page. also links to a bunch of other cool projects
  • ~holyspiritomb - I like the info on orthorexia and teaching their child to have a healthy relationship with food
  • fucks given - stats on the use of "fuck" in IRC
  • A Week in - shows sites updated within the last week
  • Linear Feeds Are a Dark Pattern - talking about the negatives of linear feeds in social media and imagining an alternative
  • on ~ - thoughts on the tilde
  • ~shanx's learnings page - helped me feel a bit more at home here, knowing that other people also jumped into tilde communities without knowing much about them. also I constantly use the vim reference table. Literally referencing it while I make this page.
  • hortus - displays all the botany plants on ctrl+f zaby to find mine!
  • 150 - animations of the first 150 pokemon. just fun to look at :)
  • state of the ttbp - you've probably already read this if you've written some feels on, but just in case-- it has some interesting thoughts on the human side of blogging