This is the second title, and the last one, in the series of two “solarpunk” games that I downloaded and read after thinking about and looking for solarpunk games. (The first was Arcology World.) You can blame tomasino’s solarpunk prompts podcast for my current interest in the topic:
The World After is starkly different from Arcology World. It is primarily a game of violence and combat, whereas Arcology explicitly has no rules for combat or violence. In fact, there are almost no aspects of solarpunk in this game at all, aside from it being set in a now thriving post apocalypse after the world was destroyed by climate crisis. I wish I could remember who told me this was a solarpunk game so that I could tell them, no. It is not. There are none of the elements of hope, cooperation, and co-existing with nature intrinsic to Arcology and to the solarpunk genre. Nature instead is something to be harnessed and controlled and channeled through the magical Essence.
None of which is to say that The World After is a bad game. It emphatically is not. It is a highly polished and very complete game. What sets it apart is its deep lore. Humanity has evolved down five differing paths, resulting in five different human species and societies from which player characters can come. Each is complete with pages of history and culture. The lore and setting are extremely rich and detailed.
The game also has a starting adventure, a bestiary, and advice for starting a campaign.
It has a branching “evolution” system instead of leveling up that grants you different abilities and bonuses. Each branching path (I think there are five) eventually rejoins at the capstone evolution, proving once again that the journey is the thing, not the destination.
It primarily uses a d6 pool mechanic, counting “successes” (4-6) against a difficulty number, with extra degrees of success for exceeding the difficulty.
And then it goes and ruins a perfectly nice d6-only system with an interesting but unnecessary initiative system. You get two of a set of predefined actions per turn. And every combination of two actions is assigned an initiative die ranging in size from d4 to d20. Everybody rolls their different sized dice to establish initiative order. Cute, clever, but also probably the first thing I would throw out from this system because it would require constant look-up, and also throwing it out means a d6 only system.
Its magic system is based on Essence, the magical material the Earth secretes when under extreme duress. Its white blood cells. It provides just enough crunch and math to be engaging. The formula involves whether the spell is innately weak, common, or strong; the difficulty number based on the desired effect; and the amount of essence it will cost the caster. It allows a little bit of nuance and consideration to casting.
The World After is a fantastic vehicle for classic turn-based game of exploration, combat, and adventure. I would definitely play it. 5/5 stars!