
Why write HTML by hand when you can write Markdown easily on your server?

Three simple steps:

  1. write your wiki page as a markdown file and save it with a .text extension. eg: markdown.text
  2. type make in the shell. The markdown.text file + page.theme will be turned into markdown.html page.
  3. add these two files to git via git add markdown.text markdown.html and commit.
  4. profit!

Markdown Syntax

Reference: Markdown Basics

Major Header

Minor header

# Alternative Format Major Header

## Alternative Format Minor header

### Even more minor header

> Block quote

*italics* or _italics_

**bold** or __bold__

* Unor-
* dered
* List
* (may also use + or - for bullets)

1. Or-
2. dered
3. List

[link text](link URI)

![alt text](image-URI "image title")

`code` (or indent paragraph four spaces or tab)


Major Header

Minor header

Alternative Format Major Header

Alternative Format Minor header

Even more minor header

Block quote

italics or italics

bold or bold

link text

alt text

code (or indent paragraph four spaces or tab)