Wiki Howto

  1. You’ll need a place to work. Your home directory is fine:

    cd ~
  2. Clone the wiki repository. This creates a local copy in your current directory named wiki:

    git clone ~wiki
  3. Go into that directory:

    cd wiki
  4. Edit the textfiles, they are in a human-friendly markdown format. do whatever.

  5. Run make to convert the .text file into .html applying the wiki’s default template (see page.theme)

  6. Select which of your changes should be committed:

    git add mynewfile.text mynewfile.html index.html mychangedfile.html (... etc.)
    git rm filetodelete.html
  7. Use git status to make sure you got all the changes you want marked selected for commit.

  8. Create the commit. Describe the changes in quotes after -m:

    git commit -m "minor improvements to git instructions"
  9. Push the commit up to the original repository:

    git push

    (If somebody else happened to make changes at the same time you did, then git might complain. That’s okay! Usually you can fix it with git pull. If you have trouble, ask in IRC!)

  10. A git hook will automatically apply your changes; you should see them appear at

  11. If you want, you can delete the clone of the wiki that you created earlier.

To add a link to the wiki navigation bar, edit the file navigation and add an item to the unordered list inside. Save, exit the editor, and enter make. The new link will appear in all wiki HTML files generated from that time onward.

*(Meaning the link will not appear on a page unless its HTML file is regenerated, whether or not a change is made to its source text file. You can force the HTML file for a page to be regenerated by either editing its text file or using the command touch to make it appear that the text file has been updated, then running make. To force regeneration of every page, run make -B. Note that this will update the “last modified” text on every page, so use it sparingly, or don’t commit the updated “last modified” text.