Papers Submitted for Publication:
⏺ Lattice zeta functions, 74 p. (2024) pdf
⏺ Lattices and orders in number fields, 21 p. (2024) pdf
Published Papers (in peer-reviewed journals):
⏺ Annihilators of the ideal class group of a cyclic extension of an imaginary quadratic field (with R. Kučera) 25 p. pdf
Canad. J. Math.71(2019), no.6, 1395–1419.
⏺ Relationships between p-unit constructions for real quadratic fields 70 p. pdf
Ann. Sci. Math. Québec 34 (2010), no. 2, 119–185.
⏺ Some arithmetic properties of partial zeta functions weighted by a sign character 14 p. pdf
J. Number Theory 130 (2010), no. 3, 803–814.
⏺ Computation of p -units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 34 p. pdf
Math. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 268, 2307–2345.
⏺ P-units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 28 p. pdf
Compos. Math. 145 (2009), no. 2, 364–392.
⏺ Non-abelian descent and the generalized Fermat equation 18 p. pdf
Arithmetic geometry, Clay Math. Proc. 8, AMS, 2009, 55–69.
⏺ Functional equation for partial zeta functions
twisted by additive characters 17 p. pdf Erratum pdf
Acta Arith. 136 (2009), no. 3, 213–228.
Additional Articles and Documents:
⏺ GL2 -real analytic Eisenstein series twisted by parameter matrices and multiplicative integral quasi-characters 148 p. (2016) arxiv link
Remark: This initial monograph has evolved during those years into a book project which has grown a bit out of proportion and will take probably a few more years to fully complete. Meanwhile we
are planning in the near future to refresh this monograph in a minimal way and publish it, roughly as it is, in order to provide an official provisional reference until the book appears in print.
⏺ John Tate, le grand explorateur de la théorie algébrique des nombres, 6 p. pdf
Bulletin AMQ, Mai 2010, Volume 50, No. 2
⏺ Elliptic units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 226 p. (Phd Thesis, 2007) pdf
(the official thesis was submitted in April 2007 and this file a slighly updated version of it with a few corrections and supplements which is dated from August 2007)