Publications and Preprints

Papers Submitted for Publication:

Lattice zeta functions, 74 p. (2024) pdf

Lattices and orders in number fields, 21 p. (2024) pdf

Published Papers (in peer-reviewed journals):

Annihilators of the ideal class group of a cyclic extension of an imaginary quadratic field (with R. Kučera) 25 p. pdf
   Canad. J. Math.71(2019), no.6, 1395–1419.

Relationships between p-unit constructions for real quadratic fields 70 p. pdf
   Ann. Sci. Math. Québec 34 (2010), no. 2, 119–185.

Some arithmetic properties of partial zeta functions weighted by a sign character 14 p. pdf
   J. Number Theory 130 (2010), no. 3, 803–814.

Computation of p -units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 34 p. pdf
   Math. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 268, 2307–2345.

P-units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 28 p. pdf
   Compos. Math. 145 (2009), no. 2, 364–392.

Non-abelian descent and the generalized Fermat equation 18 p. pdf
   Arithmetic geometry, Clay Math. Proc. 8, AMS, 2009, 55–69.

Functional equation for partial zeta functions twisted by additive characters 17 p. pdf     Erratum pdf
   Acta Arith. 136 (2009), no. 3, 213–228.

Additional Articles and Documents:

GL2 -real analytic Eisenstein series twisted by parameter matrices and multiplicative integral quasi-characters 148 p. (2016) arxiv link
Remark: This initial monograph has evolved during those years into a book project which has grown a bit out of proportion and will take probably a few more years to fully complete. Meanwhile we are planning in the near future to refresh this monograph in a minimal way and publish it, roughly as it is, in order to provide an official provisional reference until the book appears in print.

John Tate, le grand explorateur de la théorie algébrique des nombres, 6 p. pdf
   Bulletin AMQ, Mai 2010, Volume 50, No. 2

Elliptic units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields 226 p. (Phd Thesis, 2007)   pdf
(the official thesis was submitted in April 2007 and this file a slighly updated version of it with a few corrections and supplements which is dated from August 2007)